Google Solitaire


If you enjoy playing solitaire in the Klondike style, try Google Solitaire. All cards must be taken out of play and placed correctly on the side after being removed from the field. 

In Google Solitaire online, you must remove every card from each of the four stacks, which are either labeled as hearts, spades, diamonds, or clubs. The piles of cards in the center can be arranged in decreasing order, with random spacing of red and black cards. Work to remove the face-down cards that are in the center of the table if you want to keep discovering new options that will allow you to win the game.

The game's graphics have a modern, minimalistic, and uncomplicated look. The game includes crisp card designs, fluid animations, brilliant colors, and clean backgrounds. Of course, everything is perfectly tied together by the UI, which is perfect in every way. 


How To Play

Use your mouse to play this game. 

Tips for Google Solitaire

  • Move Kings off of stacks: Take the Kings off of your stacks and do this first. Any card on the board that is under a king can't be used. This is a bad situation, and the game will be impossible to win if the King isn't moved off a good card.
  • Use 1 card draw: Draw one card. If you do a three-card draw, there will always be two cards you can't get to right away. This can be annoying if it's a card you need or an ace you need to start a foundation pile.
  • Don't stack too often: Don't stack too often. When you make bigger piles on the tableau, you can end up with deep piles on top of Kings even though you're only using four of the seven piles. This makes it hard to move cards around to reveal face-down cards or take cards in and out of the foundation.
  • Don't add to the foundation too quickly: Don't build on the base too fast. If you keep adding cards to the foundation, you might find that one suit is much further ahead than the others. This can make it hard to move cards on the tableau, so it can be helpful to keep cards on the tableau until all the suits can be stacked to a high card on the foundation.

There are other free games that users can play besides Google Solitaire classic. Here are a few of the top and cost-free Other Games by Google: Doodle Cricket, Doodle Baseball, Snake Game, etc.
