Soccer Physics


Soccer Physics is a two-player game. You'll be transported to new football universes in a unique style that sets it apart from other Soccer games.

Positioning is the key to winning any online football match. Because the kicker and goalie can be moved with ease using a straightforward control system, Soccer Physics is an easy and entertaining game to play. To kick the ball and score a goal in the opposing net, you must attempt to overcome the laws of physics. Each team consists of two players. Your players move in relation to where the ball is. Gain control of the game controls and try to score on the opponent's goalpost. If you use the game controls arbitrarily, you can lose.

Key Features

  • There are two game modes: Two players and one player
  • New ball models that can be purchased
  • Following each goal, a random team

How to play Soccer Physics

Use the "W" or "Arrow Up" keys to manage your soccer team. When the opportunity arises, jump to make the ball bounce off of you and into the goal of the other player. Be careful not to unintentionally put it into your own. 
